Your exclusive look at Logic’s summer plans in our latest team update

With the Chelsea Flower Show and Henley Royal Regatta done for another year, the men’s and women’s Ashes are in full swing and the great British summer is well and truly here.

Whether you’re heading abroad, planning a staycation, or settling in at home, we at Logic IFA hope that the sun shines on you and that you enjoy a fantastic summer.

We have plans too!

So, keep reading for an exclusive insight into what summer holds for the team here at Logic.

Some of us will be jetting off to warmer climes

Xenia has the exciting prospect of heading off to Italy, where she is set to be a bridesmaid at her best friend’s wedding. The ceremony will take place in Tuscany, after which Xenia will be spending a few days in Florence exploring.

For the rest of the summer, she will be enjoying weekends in her new home with friends and family, hosting BBQs.

Emma is off on holiday too, although not until later in the year. “Summer’s always a busy one at work for me,” she says. “But looking forward to Istanbul in September once the temperature has cooled down a bit!”

Harj and Harmit are very excited about the prospect of their first trip to Canada. Harj says, “I don’t want to wait until I’m retired to travel and do things on my bucket list. So, we agreed to take a month off with the kids while they are still young and travel.

“This year, the plan is to spend a month in British Columbia seeing all the sites and visiting family.”

Claire is looking forward to her first visit to Dubrovnik which has been on her list for ages. She will be taking in the medieval town, doing some paddleboarding with her girls, and enjoying a boat trip to see the beautiful islands.

While some of us are staying closer to home

The majority of us, however, are choosing to stay closer to home.

Lindsey has two weddings in her diary – one is her goddaughter’s, and the other is one of our lovely Logic clients.

Having not been to a wedding for a few years, she’s now reached the age when her friends’ children are getting married, but at least it means she gets better value from her dress as she can wear it to both!

She’ll also be getting on her bike… but we’ll let Lindsey explain:

“After spending three weeks walking the coast-to-coast route across England from St Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay last year, this August I am going to be cycling it with friends. I was originally going to do it on my road bike until they all bought e-bikes, so I have decided to rent one so I don’t get left behind.

“I recently tried out an e-bike for the first time and it was brilliant fun, so all my snobbishness about it not being ‘real’ cycling has gone out the window. My legs still ached after a hilly 40-mile ride though!”

Susi says her plans for the summer are quite simple. Susi moved house in July, which means she will be spending all her spare time (and cash, probably) getting her new home in order.

“Then Abbie is off to university in late September,” Susi says. “So we will be sorting out all the bits and bobs she will need to take with her too. I predict a summer of Ikea runs, followed by an autumn of empty nest syndrome for me!”

Guy is also staying in the UK and has a packed summer to look forward to, including some weddings, open-air concerts, and a couple of road trips to some county cricket.

The last activity is part of Guy’s quest to watch cricket at as many of the UK’s smaller, less-used grounds as possible.

He will also be tending his allotment and organising the annual association BBQ. On the subject of which, he says “I’m hoping this year I’ll have more than just a glut of courgettes to grill!”

Saiqa hasn’t ever had the chance to take the kids away so this summer they’ll start with a trip to the beach. And they’ll stay over for a night or two to make the most of it. If all goes well, she hopes to venture abroad next year.

Keith is off to Hunstanton in Norfolk for a week, planning to visit the National Trust-owned Blickling Estate, Sandringham, Wells-next-the-Sea and anywhere else he and his wife can fit into the packed week they’ve planned.

Our newest recruits will be venturing outdoors

Lastly, a warm welcome to the two newest members of our team, Lee Humphrey and Jon Hinton.

Lee will be braving the outdoors as he and his family are “taking our first camping trip since the ‘The Great Washout of ‘21.” (We won’t ask!)

Oscar (5), Gracie (2), and wife Kiera (age undisclosed) are all really looking forward to cooking by the campfire, taking woodland walks with their dog Bella, and enjoying some family time. “A few ciders will be had by the adults as well.”

Jon’s summer will consist of entertaining his three girls. Luckily, he says his wife will take more control. They plan to spend lots of time in the garden, having BBQs, playing in the kids’ pool (weather permitting) and heading off on their annual trip to Southwold in Suffolk to enjoy crabbing and nice restaurants.

And, with Southwold being home to Adnams Brewery, they’ll be some fine ales to sample too!