Amelia Aitchison

Financial Planner

Amelia has over 12 years’ experience in financial services. As a financial planner, she specialises in helping clients achieve financial freedom.

Meet Amelia:

What would others say is your most annoying habit?
I am a natural born planner! I look really far ahead and aim to pre-empt issues, that doesn’t mean plans are set in stone but while I have an idea of what I want to happen, I plan for it! For example, I have just booked a few Christmas activities in for my family (at the time of writing, it’s early June!!).

Do you prefer spicy or sweet food?
I love spice, I put pepper sauce on most things – I find a touch of spice really brings out the flavour in most things

What is the most frustrating thing about the industry?
Jargon, how we overcomplicate everything. No need for it.

Summer or Winter?
I am always cold and a blue sky makes a massive difference so I have to say summer, although with a young son I get very festive too!