Author: guy woodward

5 reasons you should put a Lasting Power of Attorney in place now

You might think you only need to worry about a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) as you get older. However, illness or an accident could mean you lose capacity at any time. Setting up an

How our accredited advisers can help you manage your finances in later life

Money Marketing recently reported that older generations are the least likely to speak to a financial adviser. And yet the need to manage your finances doesn’t stop once you retire. Ensuring older people have access

A ratings winner!

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s common place for people to use ratings websites to help with their decision-making. Think TripAdvisor for hotels and restaurants, Trustpilot for a wide range of services, Checkatrade for vetted tradespeople.

Here, have £47,000. (Sounds good doesn’t it?)

What could you do with an additional £47,000 over the next 10 years? Go on a dream holiday? Pay off some debt? Grab a new car? Perhaps retire earlier? Don’t worry, this isn’t a ‘get