Author: guy woodward

Team update: Wishing Lindsey and Guy a fond farewell as they leave Logic and embark on their retirement

After 10 incredible years, Lindsey and Guy retired late last year. Lindsey worked alongside Harj to build the business from scratch and we wouldn’t be where we are today without her input. A Chartered Financial

Strategic steps you could take to help you and your family prosper during the year of the snake

On Wednesday 29 January, people around the world will celebrate the Chinese new year. According to Chinese astrology, 2025 is the year of the snake, specifically the wood snake, which is associated with wisdom, charm,

5 smart money moves to help you beat the winter blues

Monday 20 January is Blue Monday, which means that most of you will have already given up on any well-intentioned resolutions you made. Don’t feel too disheartened though, because studies suggest that 88% of people

Guide: The surprising benefits of choosing a “living legacy” for your loved ones

Leaving wealth behind for your loved ones may be a priority when developing your financial plan. After all, you’ll likely want to see your family thrive and an inheritance could help them achieve important goals