Category: News

3 reasons why you shouldn’t get your investment advice from social media

The Independent reported in February 2021 that 1 in 10 investors turned to social media for investment “advice” in 2020. Of the respondents under-35, 20% saw social media as their most important source of information.

Your guide to budgeting basics

Furlough, job losses, and business closures have seen many households struggling financially since the outbreak of the pandemic and millions continue to feel financial pressure, even as the economy recovers. However the pandemic has impacted

Guide: The guide to later-life planning and care

When you think about your future, how far ahead do you plan? Perhaps you’ve thought about what your life will look like in 10 years, but have you considered your later years? While retirement planning

Guide: everything you need to know about Scams

Technology has made it easier than ever for scammers to target victims, and the tactics they use are becoming ever more sophisticated. Even if you’re financially savvy, a scammer can catch you at a vulnerable